"An Error in Chemistry" by William Faulkner_
The story "An Error in Chemistry" is written by William Faulkner who was the master of psychological analysis and the works of whom are characterized by the use of implication, stream of consciousness, peculiar graphics, metaphorical language etc.
The plot of the story centers around Joel Flint, a Northerner, who kills his wife and her father - old Wesley Pritchel who were the inhabitants of the South. Then he plays the role of the old man and tries to make the profit from it. But his contempt for local traditions becomes his undoing.
In general, two subject matters are possible in the story:
- a murderer who tries to evade penalty
- an outlander in the society
So we come to the following idea - lies have short legs ...
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Самые популярные авторы на сегодня:
- Somerset Maugham
- Sherwood Anderson
- Ernest Hemingway
- Stephen King
Самые популярные анализы:
- A Canary For One E.Hemingway
- An Error in Chemistry W.Faulkner
- Art For Heart's Sake R.Goldberg
- Dangerous Corner J.Priestley
- Loneliness Sh.Anderson
- One Stair Up C.Nairne
- The Escape S.Maugham
- The Fun They Had I.Asimov
- The Happy Prince O.Wilde
- Thursday Evening C.Morley
- To Sir, With Love E.R.Braithwaite
- Up The Down Staircase B.Kaufman