Exercises on the Use of Stylistic Devices_
Find stylistic devices in the following sentences. Comment on them.
- The laugh in her eyes died and was replaced by something else.
- For every look that passed between them, and the word they spoke, and every card they played, the dwarf had eyes and ears.
- "If there's a war, what are you going to be in?" - "The Government, I hope," Tom said. "Touring the lines on an armoured car, my great belly shaking like a jelly. Hey, did you hear that? That's poetry."
- Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old.
- The girl gave him a lipsticky smile.
- The silence as the two men stared at one another was louder than thunder.
- There comes a period in every man's life, but she is just a semicolon in his.
- "I'm going to give you some good advice." - "Oh! Pray don't. One should never give a woman anything she can't wear in the evening."
- Up came the file and down sat the editor, with Mr. Pickwick at his side.
- Gentleness in passion! What could have been more seductive to the scared, starved heart of that girl?
- Poor boy ... . No father, no mother, no anyone.
- It were better that he knew nothing. Better for common sense, better for him, better for me.
- The coach was waiting, the horses were fresh, the roads were wet, and the driver was willing.
- There are so many sons that won't have anything to do with their fathers, and so many fathers who won't speak to their sons.
- The mechanics are underpaid, and underfed, and overworked.
- I hear your voice - it's like an angel's sigh.
- He held the cigarette in his mouth, tasting it, feeling its roundness, for a long time before he lit it. Then, with a sigh, feeling, well, I've earned it, he lit the cigarette.
- And then in a moment she would come to life and be as quick and restless as a monkey.
- The sky was dark and gloomy, the air damp and raw.
- "Our father is dead." - "I know." - "How the hell do you know?" - "Station agent told me. How long ago did he die?" - "About a month." - "What of?" - "Pneumonia." - "Buried here?" - "No. In Washington."
- She had her breakfast and her bath.
- ... whispered the spinster aunt with true spinster-aunt-like envy ... .
- A team of horses couldn't draw her back now; the bolts and bars of the old Bastille couldn't keep her.
- I have only one good quality - overwhelming belief in the brains and hearts of our nation, our state, our town.
- It was you who made me a liar, - she cried silently.
- I looked at the gun, and the gun looked at me.
- England has two eyes, Oxford and Cambridge. They are the two eyes of England, and two intellectual eyes.
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